Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mbindia Monastery Project Takes Off Soon

By Afutendem Lucas Nkwetta,
Dschang University
After the reconciliation talks in Azi Palace on 12 October 2009 that were reported as having put an end to the crisis between HRM the Fon of Fontem and HRH the Chief of Mbindia village in Lebang Kingdom, HRM Fontem paid an official visit to Mbindia and to the proposed site for the Monastery on  Saturday 31 October 2009.
HRM the Fontem left Azi Palace as early as 8 AM, accompanied by a delegation of about seventy people, made up of Lebang chiefs, Bekems, forerunners and palace aids. They were received at Letia-Lefoc quarter in Mbindia by HRH Fombindia Mbeacha Eric at 9AM. After resting at Ndi Folefoc’s compound, they walked to Mbindia Palace some 20 minutes away. HRH Fombindia then officially received HRM and his entourage for 10 minutes in the palace. A program for the visit was made public and the delegation decided to brave the hills by climbing to the site of the Monastery:  Khoti, above the Nyifuangonkem. Thereafter, they were to return to the palace for an evaluation meeting and the traditional address to the population.
The two-hour walk was tedious but worth the pains and the traditional rulers braved it courageously, passing through Achena-Nyi and Ndengkup and Khoti quarters. Some other people had left Ndungweh, Lekong Forkem, Mbeoh, Njenacha and nearby Ngundeng to welcome HRM in GPS Khoti. They applauded as the rulers arrived the school.
HRH Fombindia showed HRM Fontem the land he had prepared with his people as the proposed site for the construction of the Monastery. They decided to walk round the site, mapping the boundary, indicating brooks and valleys that were to serve as landmarks. Another stopover was at Ndi Fuasehngong’s compound in Achena-Akoh where some refreshment was offered amidst songs and prayers for peace, love, unity and progress.
The delegation walked back the Mbindia palace through Azehndem, Ndungbin and Nzenatah quartes to meet hundreds of people who had assembled to wait for them. Eseih and other songs were sang as the Lebang traditional rulers, led by HRM Fontem descended from the left hand side of the Mbindia palace into the arena. Smiles, applause, ululations and traditional respects followed as people expressed their delight in seeing Lebang united again.
After resting, lunch was served in total respect of traditional cuisine and protocol. Chapped Goats, fufu, plantains, pork, wine and beer flowed into the Lemoh from various end of Mbindia palace. HRM the Fon of Fontem then withdrew into the inner lemoh of Mbindia with all his chiefs for intensive talks that lasted for an hour.
When the traditional rulers emerged, HRM the Fon of Fontem climbed the rostrum in Mbindia and addressed Lebang. He said he had come to Mbindia because “seeing is better that listening to information from 1000 people.” Apart from personally visiting the site of the Monastery, the visit was to cement his reconciliation with Fombindia. He told the people of Mbindia to respect their chief, remain united, hardworking and also praised them for maintaining roads clean.
He informed the Lebang population that whatever had occurred between himself and Fombindia was now outdated and nobody should go back to it. Any problems between them had been settled and in the LEFEM manner. He reiterated the close and long ties between Fombindia and Fontem, adding, “No body should try to incite problems between us again.” In his traditional feihmbow ceremony, he called on all to support the unity of Lebang and Monastery project that is coming in to ameliorate the living conditions of the people of Mbindia and Lebang. HRM was duly escorted out of Mbindia through the school and Lefoc at about 6 p.m.                                              
Afutendem Lucas Nkwetta is a Lecturer at the University of Dschang ,Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences, (Department of Applied Foreign Languages). He is also the Station Manager of Lebialem Community Radio at Menji and Board Member of Menji Community Tele-Centre . He can be reached through the following address. P.O. BOX 49 Dschang-Cameroon Tel: +00237 77555133

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